

JPRNfs Services


JPRN provides the following services to our clients. 


Volunteer Programs, Exchange Programs and Overseas Educational Trips

1.    Development of internship and volunteer programs for Japanese university corporate, and government partners, or US business and educational partners targeting Japanese-speaking clients.

2.    Planning and organization of volunteer and exchange programs and overseas study tours in the US and Japan.

3.    Referrals and arrangement of special internship and volunteer opportunities for individuals in the US and Japan.

4.    Special site visits coordination including tour escort and interpretation services for US government agencies, educational institutions and tour agencies hosting Japanese delegations that wish to learn about the US nonprofits activities and government services.


Research and Consultation

1.      Research on specific topics, and publishing of reports and documents

2.      Preliminary research and pilot surveys about social issues for business, nonprofit organizations, and media.

3.      Consulting for nonprofit management, designing seminars and training programs.


Public Forums

1. Organization of public forums that address specific social issues

2. Coordination of seminars for corporate and nonprofit in-house training sessions, and providing language assistance.

3. Consultation for designing seminars and training programs.


Translation and Interpretation (Japanese and English)

1. Interpretation services for study tours and conferences.

2. Translation of service of documentation, articles and other publications on social issues.



JPRN's Project History


œ@NPO Empowerment Project (Since 1992)


œ@Human Rights Project (Since 1988)


œ@Corporate Philanthropy Projects (Since 1988)


Copyright2005 Japan Pacific Resource Network