日時 2001年10月3日(水)午後7時
場所 日本太平洋資料ネットワーク(JPRN)事務所
310-8th St., #305, Oakland 94607
(オークランドのチャイナタウンの一角で、Harrison St.と8th St.の角の3階建ての白いビルの3階。BARTのOakland City Center, 12 St. Station下車、徒歩5-6分)
問い合わせ JPRN 柏木
(Tel: 510-891-9045 Ex48, E-mail-jprn@igc.apc.org)
Thank you for your participating in and/or cooperating for the rally held in San Francisco last Saturday. We had nearly 40 people to show our intention to oppose the war. Some people who could not join the rally but helped to prepare for and outreach it.
After the rally, we had a brief meeting and decided to have a meeting to evaluate the rally and discuss what we are going to do from now. The following is the time and location of the meeting. Please join it and forward this message to your friends.
Time From 7:00pm on Wednesday, October 3, 2001
Place Office at Japan Pacific Resource Network (JPRN)
310-8th St., #305, Oakland
(the corner of Harrison and 8th Streets in Oakland Chinatown)
Contact Hiroshi Kashiwagi at JPRN, Tel: 510-891-9045 Ex48, E-mail-jprn@igc.apc.org